5 gallon bucket of sugar syrup with or without feed stimulant


5 gallon bucket of sugar syrup with or without feed stimulant

from $45.00

We use organic cane sugar in our mix only.

  • Pro Health is a feeding stimulant composed of lemongrass and spearmint (essential oils concentrate)

  • Pro Health helps promote healthy vigorous hives when used as a feeding stimulant during late winter, early spring and during dearths of nectar

  • Pro Health has a natural calming effect when sprayed on the bees

  • Pro Health is antibacterial, anti fungal and antimicrobial which aids in the overall health of the bees

  • Pro Health added to your feeding mix will help build up packages, nucs and swarms

  • Pro Health prevents syrup fermentation

  • Stimulates bees to draw out new foundation faster when used as a spray.

With or without Pro Health:
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Feed is 1:1 ratio. Pro health, aids in feed stimulation and digestive health.